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Chromium-compatible extension (also tested on Android). Helps drummers and other musicians to exercise along with the metronome and track progress in Notion pages.


Notion Pages allows you to describe the exercise the way you want by adding text, images, embedded videos and other content. The extension automates exercise progress tracking and provides customizable metronome for your workouts. Use metronome to practice a task with current BPM. Use BPM table to keep track of completed tasks.

Key Features:

Getting Started

It may take some time for the first time, but once you set it up, workflow becomes pretty effortless.

  1. Login to Notion.
  2. Create an internal integration here.
  3. Install the extension, open its options and paste the secret from created integration. The secret will be stored in browser cloud storage and will be used only to access official Notion API.
  4. Create an exercise Notion page.
    1. Add a connection for the page to the created integration (Page menu -> Add connections). Easiest way is to create a "folder" page, connect only this page to the integration and store all the exercises as a nested pages. Do not connect your important private pages to the integration in order to reduce security and data loss risks.
    2. Select one of the exercise page examples below and click "Duplicate" in upper-right corner.
    3. Move duplicated page inside previously created page connected to the integration. Change exercise settings as you need (see info about the settings below).
    4. You may need to reload the page in order for metronome to appear (it might have a delay due to Notion API speed).
  5. Enjoy!

Use On Mobile Device

Not many browsers support extensions in their mobile versions. One of the browsers that support extensions is Yandex Browser for Android. There is no known solutions for iOS though.

There is a known problem with extension popup window (the one that opens from the extension button on the browser toolbar): the button is absent. So do not forget to go to the extensions options and set Notion integration token.